2015 Valdicava Brunello di Montalcino

This Brunello contains the juice from 10 different vineyards, vinified separately and then assembled. 2015 is about the 80th vintage for Valdicava and there are no words to define the majesty and sensations this wine is able to give its drinkers.


Valdicava is among the estates that with Biondi Santi created Brunello di Montalcino and its Consortium that regulates the appellation. At Valdicava, today land owner Vincenzo Abruzzese still affirms that the main work is done by nature and the farmer that respects it. Vincenzo always says that his wine is made in the vineyard, in the vineyard, in the vineyard… He could go on and on saying this just to emphasize his focus on respecting the delicate balance of nature. The Sangiovese Grosso produced here is raised following biodynamic principles. Valdicava Brunello has always been about its incredible power.


Farming Biodynamic